Arising Concerns

Fast forward to mid-February 2022, my brother noticed Snoopy was presenting signs of mucus discharge from his nose.  He took Snoopy to Banfield Hospital, where he was told that it was due to a “cold” and was provided with antibiotics. As recommended by the vet, Snoopy was provided with the antibiotics but the mucus discharge continued.

My brother decided to take Snoopy to AMC Hospital in where Snoopy was examined again. I remember this part vividly - my brother texted my sister and I informing us that the vet reported that Snoopy may have cancer based on his symptoms. It was the worst news ever. I could not fathom how an innocent gentle soul like Snoopy could ever have cancer. The news broke our hearts, especially when hearing the word ‘cancer’, but we tried our very best to stay positive as the vet reported Snoopy has to complete more examinations to properly determine if it was cancer or not. Snoopy completed a rhinoscopy examine and we anxiously waited for the results.  

“Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen” – Orhan Pamuk


Results from Examinations


Changes in Physical Health